13 min readJun 5, 2021



Satoshi Club Telegram: http://t.me/satoshi_club




Please Note All below Tags are accounts of Satoshi Club team and their memebers and JINDO INU team members on Telegram.


Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Jindo Inu! Welcome to Satoshi Club.


Welcome to Satoshi Club, our guests:








Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about Jindo Inu .

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Unlike other meme coins, our jindo inu is a token under development to make use of it.

We plan to develop a safe swap without rug pull, and we plan to release an nft similar to CryptoKitties in the future.

The combination of swap and nft will create many uses for the jind token, and we will continue to strive to improve the value of the jind token.


When did you start your project?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

May 12 :)


How did you choose the name and the logo?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Jindo was adopted because it is Korea’s representative dog. And we added several colors to the background for a cute image.


Great job, puppy tokens are trending, what do you think makes Jindo Inu different and unique?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Unlike other meme coins, jind tokens will have more uses in the future. I think that the current memecoins simply have no place to use them as a weakness.

We combine the cuteness of Mimcoin with the utility of tokens.


Good point, what uses for example?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

We are developing a rugpull-free, secure jindo swap where you can use your jind tokens for token review. It can also be used when creating a puppy nft in the jind nft that will be released later.


Super! And now, if you are agree we can dive deeper into the Jindo Inu details with the questions from our community .

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Ask a question, we’ll answer it❤️

Q1 from Telegram User @andrey_seleznov

Hi Jindo!

Jindo tokenomics page says the Initial liquidity pool contains 50T JIND Tokens AND 10 BNB and the liquidity pool is locked immediately after liquidity supply. What service do you use to lock the liquidity and for how long will it remain locked? Could you tell us if this approach worked out OK? Such low initial liquidity must’ve created large slippage for big initial buyers, and with 1% fee going to the liquidity pool the pool probably remained low for a considerable time?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Since we didn’t do a pre-sale in the beginning, we only put in 10bnb. So we are supporting the bnb-jind farming pool to increase liquidity. Our liquidity pool is locked by dxsale for 10 years and will be extended before the end of the period.


Why 10 years?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

We aim to complete all ecosystems within 10 years. And we will continue to extend the lockout before 10 years pass.


You have only one farming pool?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Yes, single token farming is not supported as we are a deflation token. So, only one bnb-jind farming pool is supported.


Where we can currently farm?


So are you planning some burning token events?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

You can farm in Polaris, and now the apy is over 500%. https://app.polarisdefi.io/supernovas-2


Wow, great opportunity Satoshiclubbers.

@Jamesinu (Main Developer

Yes, we are always thinking about burned events for holders. Currently, it is difficult because we spent a lot of money for listing on the exchange, but we plan to burn it as soon as we can afford it.


Thank you for your answers, Jin! Ready to go to the next question?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer

Yes !

Q2 from Telegram User @yellowchamp

Jindo Inu farming will be conducted in Polaris Defi. So why did you choose Polaris Defi to conduct Jindo Inu farming feature? How can we access or connect Polaris Defi for farming with $JIND? What advantages and benefits that Polaris Defi will bring to Jindo Inu especially in Farming purposes for Jindo Inu investors and community? How safe and secure our funds in farming with Polaris Defi with $JIND tokens? Thank you

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

The reason we chose Polaris is that it allows single-token staking. However, deflation tokens were weak against farming, so we switched to staking lp tokens. Please refer to our medium for details on how to stake. It would be good if you refer to it. You do not have to worry about staking as it is safely managed by smart contract.

See our medium story for more details. Link : https://jindo-inu.medium.com/


Thanks for the answer, so talking about long term holders, what will be the main benefits for them?


May be you plan to build your own platform for staking?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Currently, 1% of the transaction fee is distributed to holders, and 1% of the transaction fee is automatically burned, so the scarcity of the token will increase.


May be you plan to build your own platform for staking?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

We will make it possible to farm in Jindo Swap.


When do you plan to deliver this to your users?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

It is expected to be released at the end of the third quarter of 2021 at the latest.


Not so long to wait😃


Did you already test it? Or it’s only on the start of its development?


Great aim, we hope to have good news about it soon.😁

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

I’ve spent a lot of time marketing now, but I’ve been working hard on the design behind the scenes. Swap requires complete predesign because it requires safe code. Please look forward to swap :)

Q3 from Telegram User @Jonahapagu

People are allowed to register their tokens in Jindo Swap liquidity pool. After registering their tokens they then provide and lock the liquidity pool for their registered trading pairs until JINDO team has reviewed the tokens and determine that they are safe before allowing trading to start for the token.. so what kind of tokens can users register in JINDO SWAP Liquidity pool, how do they register it, what information do they provide for review, and how do they provide and lock liquidity for the trading pairs, if a registered token is deemed unsafe and liquidity for the token has been locked what do JINDO team or the users do about it..

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

How to lock liquidity is provided by several sites. If they prove to us that they have locked it there, we will check and approve it. Liquidity providers can offer bsc-based tokens, and we approve the tokens after reviewing the feasibility and legality of the project. Therefore, a more secure trade environment will be provided.


I see you care about security . What about your smart contracts security?

Did you make audit?


Sure, holders need to know that their funds are safu.

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Yes, we will be audited when swap development is completed. The audit of the token contract has already been completed


Oh, can you share this report with our members?😃

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Yes :) JIND TOKEN AUDIT https://solidity.finance/audits/Jindo/


I realize that a lot of great events are coming for Jindo Inu, so could you share your roadmap with us?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

We plan to list JIND on many exchanges and will be listed on HOTBIT on June 4, two days later. In addition, we will continue to carry out influencer marketing, and we will complete the development without delaying our development. ALSO Our roadmap can be found on our website https://www.jindoinu.info/

Q4 from Telegram User


JINDO INU — No TEAM, MARKETING Token, No PRE-SALE ! Does this mean JINDO INU is an anonymous project? Or will there really be no Team and all will be decided by the community? And why does JINDO INU not launch Pre-Sale while most projects are launching Pre-sale, IEO, IDO, INO,…??

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Teams exist, but their basic essence is like other meme coins, community-owned tokens. The reason we didn’t do a pre-sale is because there are many people who do not believe in the pre-sale during the pre-sale process. The JIND team exists. However, we only proceed with marketing and development. Since our tokens are community-owned tokens, some have not conducted a pre-sale in order to give everyone an equal opportunity to purchase.


So, if your aim is the community, have you had some community contest to reward the users? Maybe meme contest or something like that.

@Jamesinu (Main Developer

Yes, we have a TikTok contest and a Twitter contest. We will hold many events in the future


But what is the motivation of Jindo Inu team to develop project?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

We also lost money by a lot of RUGPULL, so we felt we needed a more secure SWAP. That’s why motivated us


Is there still chance to join? Our community is so creative.

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Yes of course. We will prepare the contest asap.


Thanks for the info.


Satoshiclubbers , it’s your chance

Jin, thank you for your answers! Ready to jump to the next question?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Yes :)

Q5 from Telegram User @nadee5

According to your website you plan to create a magnitude swap and a magnitide NFT .In JINDO swap ,only tokens that have passed the Jindo team’s review can provide liquidity. But in your whitepaper you said there is no team for Jindo Inu. If there is no team ,who will review the tokens to pass for providing liquidity. ? How will this team’s review beneficial for Jindo swap ?which requirements should be fulfilled to pass the team’s review ?and what do you mean by magnitude swap and magnitude NFT ?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

The reason we said we don’t have a team is because our team is only in charge of development and marketing. The rest are in charge of the community. Our review can help users who use jindo swap to obtain objective information about tokens and help make investment decisions. In order to pass the review, you must submit various information such as team members and project information.


Who is in the team? Is it anonymous?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Not anonymous. You can find information about the three developers on LinkedIn.Main developer — Jin Jin — @Jamesinu -

Linkedin — https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/chanwoong-ahn-723550211

Developer — Jr Tatis — @jindooo

Linkedin — https://www.linkedin.com/in/geonjun-lee-59484b211

Developer — Arenado jindo inu — @jindoinu3

Linkedin — https://www.linkedin.com/in/chang-min-yang-899466211


Btw, checking your roadmap there is a concept that caught my attention. Could you explain more about this feature? What do you mean with “synthesizing multiple puppies”?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

It means that you can create your own special-looking puppy nft by breeding puppies like Crypto Kitty.


Like a virtual pet?

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

Yes :)


That’s nice😉 if they will be as cute as your stickers it will be great

@Jamesinu (Main Developer)

sure we will do our best :)


Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the 6th and last question from this part?😉


Well done, I can’t wait for it 😁

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

Lets go

Q6 from Telegram User @Josegamboac

On May 22, Jindo INU decided to burn another 2 Trillion #JIND tokens. This will be added to the 56% of the total supply that we already burned before. How often do you have an estimated token burn? and what percentage will be burned in each burn?

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

A 1% transaction fee is automatically burned on each transaction. We will prepare more burn events for holders


What about tokenomics? Please share that info. How is the token distribution?

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

50% of the initial issuance was burned and the remaining 50% was added to the pancake swap. A 3% transaction fee is incurred for each transaction, 1% of which is distributed to holders, 1% of which is automatically burned, and the remaining 1% is used for marketing expenses.


Didn’t you think that users like to have more strict plan?

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

If the transaction fee is too high, there are various restrictions when entering the exchange, so we set it to 3%.


You did mention Hobit, now Pancakeswap. Currently, is there another way to buy your token?

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

It is currently available for purchase on Pancake Swap, cointiger, indoex, hotbit on June 4th, and coinsbit on June 8th


Super! Congratulations with upcoming listings 🚀

And live part is almost here


Thank you for your time and clear answers, it was an honor to moderate this first part. Now I think our community users want to interact directly with you 😁

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

Thanks .


Dear community, we will open the chat soon. Please prepare your questions. Jindo Inu team will select 10 of them. Please remember the rules ❗️❗️❗️

-Only genuine questions will be rewarded. Copied questions will be disqualified

Read the rules here

(https://t.me/Satoshi_club/272142)-For Part 2 of the AMA, every user will be allowed to post maximum 3 questions. One message should contain maximum 1 question. If you post more than 3 questions, you will not receive the reward if selected. Thank you for understanding and good luck!😉

Also, don’t forget to join @JINDOINU2








@DomDom1231 please choose 10 questions and answer them 😉

Question: @Guandog

What are the attractions of Jindo Swap as a platform swap compared to the big ones like pancakeswap?

@rebrebz (team member )

Our main developer mentioned that this swap will differentiate JInod swap with other swaps as the JINDO team will review new projects that will be launched on JIND SWAPthat can assure they are no “rug pull” and to protect all investors invest , so that can guarantee a safe investment

Question: @highpee

Hello Jindo

You said you are planing to develop RugPull-free safe Jindo Swap to allow Jindo Token swap. What will make this product RUG-FREE and how will you be able to guarantee that liquidity will not rug suddenly or that the team will not dump Jindo tokens?







@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

Since we only approve token transactions by locking liquidity, rugfull cannot happen. and Our team’s marketing wallet cannot be dumped because we have very few jind. Currently, the number of jind we have is 0.2t. Also, we have locked liquidity Dont worry . :)

Question: @highpee

Hello Jindo Inu

Now, we have a lots of DOG🐕 projects. Don’t you think that this may limit interest in your projects because people have already invested in many of this dog 🐶 coin? Is there any thing that is SPECIAL about Jindu INU which you will use to ATTRACT INVESTORS?







@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

Yes, we are different from other memecoins. We are developing dApps that will be used in practice. This increases the fundamental value of the token. In the future, we plan to promote the difference from other meme coins.

Question: @smelekin

Why did you choose Hotbit for listing your token? Do you plan to list your token on better exchanges like Binance?

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

The reason we chose hotbit is because it is also a top-tier exchange and contains many bsc tokens. We are always looking for better exchanges. please watch us .

Question: @nitrogenpower

I read that liquidity pool is locked by dxsale for 10 years but what will happen after 10 years passed?

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

It will be locked again before 10 years have passed. Do not worry. We bet our lives on jind.

Question: @Ratash97

When is the launch of jindu swap and what utilities will jindu feed have ?







@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

Jindo Swap is scheduled to be released at the end of Q3, and jind feed tokens can be used to upgrade puppy nfts on jind nft that will be released in the future. When upgrading, it can change into a rare form with a certain probability.

Question: @Jonahapagu


One of the recommendations of Solidity Finance is your audit report is that Users should be aware of the relatively low amount of liquidity available and the report also stated that there are Four wallets that have about as much or more tokens than the liquidity pool…so what have you done as regards getting more liquidityfor your contracts, and who are the owners of this four wallets that have more tokens than your liquidity pool are they individual users or wallets belonging to the team for other uses..

@Jamesinu @nexusbang @jindooo @jindoinu3 @rebrebz @DomDom1231

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

We don’t have those 4 wallets. We know that liquidity is low, but compared to other Mime Coins, we are in a very healthy state. We are working hard to find ways to secure liquidity. Do not worry too much

Question: @sweetdoge

Why are you guys still anonymous? Why did you decide to be anonymous and in the future do you plan to go public?

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

Developers are not anonymous. We will always do our best to develop. Please join our jind.We will share it periodically when development begins.


When is the launch of jindu swap and what utilities will jindu feed have ?







@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

Jindo Swap is scheduled to be released at the end of Q3, and jind feed tokens can be used to upgrade puppy nfts on jind nft that will be released in the future. When upgrading, it can change into a rare form with a certain probability.








What are the upcoming events and listings plan in your roadmap? Do you have any plan for listing in popular exchanges like BINANCE or any other Cex?

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

The advantage of nfts is that you can make your own puppies, and you can also collect rare nfts. Rare nfts will sell for a high price because people will be interested. Rare things are always valuable.


Thank you much for your time guys, it was an amazing an interesting AMA. I’m so happy to know your project

Thanks for be here sharing with us








Thank you @Jamesinu @nexusbang @jindooo @jindoinu3 @rebrebz @DomDom1231 for this AMA! Good luck with Jindo Inu!🚀

@Jamessinu (Main Developer)

We are very happy to introduce our project here😄


If you want to share with us useful links to join your communities is the moment to do it 😃

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Website: https://www.jindoinu.info/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JINDOINU2

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